Speak Up Afric’Art serves as a beacon for collaboration and engagement for artists, experts, policymakers, and the public to unleash the potential of a healthy and thriving Africa where change happens by Africans for Africans. This artistic endeavor aims to use art as a catalyst for showcasing Africa’s most innovative ideas and giving a stage to Africans by inviting a diverse collective of creatives including painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, performance artists, and digital creators to interpret these themes creatively.  

Speak Up Afric’Art aims to raise awareness, inspire, enable and mobilize people to address the root causes of social problems and to consider and create alternative solutions. Art can challenge stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination, and celebrate diversity, identity and culture. Art can amplify the voices and stories of marginalized, oppressed or silenced groups, and create spaces for dialogue and collaboration across differences.

Gender equality is a fundamental human right and a crucial component of sustainable development.The theme for 2024 edition is “Celebrating African LeadHERs from Senegal” to support the inclusion of women and girls on public platforms and in leadership and aims to encourage women’s and girls, in all their diversity, to significantly participate in decision-making spaces for improved public health.

By naming this first showcase of Speak Up Afric’Art “LINGEER” we pay a tribute to all women innovators, visionaries, and changemakers.

The LINGEER exhibition serves as a convening platform for collaboration, engagement and action to cement our contribution towards gender equality.

LINGEER, presented by Speak Up Africa and curated by Mohamed Cissé, is captured by the talented artist Khalifa Hussein, to showcase the multiple facets in the everyday life of women who are African innovators, visionaries, and changemakers and spotlight curating art for social impact and transformational change in Africa.

The African Women in Digital Health (AWiDH) movement was officially launched during the 2nd Annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA 2022), in December 2022 under the leadership Africa CDC with support from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Digital Health Network, IntraHealth, UNICE, the Ministry of Health and Social action of Senegal, Path and Qhala. Subsequently, a working group was put together to co-create the AWiDH flagship campaign of the Digital Transformation Strategy of Africa CDC as well as its action plan. The main objective of the movement is to address the digital gender gap through a multidisciplinary platform bringing together stakeholders working on health issues to ensure effective collaboration and coordination for women’s meaningful engagement and leadership in digital health.

The movement relies on three strategic objectives:

  1. Capacity building: Increasing skill set by addressing digital capacity building needs for women to build a strong pipeline of talent.
  2. Enabling environment: Supporting the enabling environment for women entrepreneurship in digital health.
  3. Investment: Ensuring adequate investment for women entrepreneurs in the tech digital health space.

Specifically, AWiDH expects to achieve:

Sport promotes equality since the same rules apply to everyone.  Amidst issues of gender imbalance in society, Sport is a prime lever to accelerate gender equality as it confronts gender norms both on and off the field. Female participation in sports challenges common stereotypes and social roles associated with women.  Gender imbalances in the sports industry remain considerable. On top of their low representation in sports, very few women are in decision-making positions such as head coach, club manager or referee. They are less represented in management, marketing, management, or other disciplines in the sports industry.

« Teaming Up: African LeadHERs meet BAL4HER » launched by Speak Up Africa and the Basketball African League (BAL) focuses on leveraging sport as a key driver of gender equality and social and economic transformation in Africa.  Through this mentorship program, 6 young African female athletes from Senegal, Egypt and Rwanda will benefit from the leadership and networking experience of six female leaders in the sports industry. Over a period of six months, the mentees will be coached by mentors to strengthen their skills and knowledge on issues such as gender inequality in sport, mental health, public speaking, and storytelling.

More information

Reaching the Last Mile and Speak Up Africa’s youth leadership initiative is a powerful platform that seeks to harness the leadership potential of the youth to spearhead efforts to eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) on the continent. 

If Africa is to make significant progress towards achieving the goals of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2030 roadmap on NTDs, leveraging the energy, innovative thinking, resourcefulness and connectedness of its growing young populace is paramount. The youth have a vital role to play in driving awareness and mobilizing positive change worldwide. 

The youth leadership initiative seeks to develop a network of youth-led organizations committed to ending NTDs within their communities and countries through national-level advocacy, action and leadership engagement. The initiative will provide US $250 000 in grants and capacity strengthening to at least ten organizations within Senegal and Niger over 15 months. In addition to funding, program participants will have access to mentorship and resources to support their efforts to engage effectively in decision and policymaking spaces that affect their health. The support network will also unify and amplify the voices of youth-led organizations and their leaders, enabling them to connect with like-minded peers, share knowledge and solutions and bring learnings back to their communities.


To learn more about the Reaching the Last Mile initiative,
visit their website 

As a women-led organization, gender equality is in our DNA. Unless women and girls – in all their diversity – can meaningfully hold leadership positions, making decisions and allocating resources, our continent will never fully thrive. We support the inclusion of women and girls on public platforms and as leaders. We encourage them to significantly participate in decision-making spaces. We support our own team, and the civil society organizations we work with, to better understand the role gender plays in everything we do, and to ensure all our interventions take gender into account.

Women and girls’ participation is the key to unlocking our continent’s future. It drives everything we do. Our work in this space has included driving conversations around gender equality across the continent; engaging community and religious leaders in campaigns to break taboos around menstrual hygiene; hosting the Ouagadougou Partnership, an organization committed to doubling the number of modern contraceptives users by 2030; creating a campaign to elevate women and girls’ voices in decision-making for health, and more.

Everyone deserves access to safe sanitation and clean drinking water. We, closely with sub-national, national and regional institutions that are directly responsible for sanitation, are urging country leaders to invest in better access to safely managed sanitation services and clean drinking water. We help governments to develop adequate policies and regulations, and are working with institutions such as the African Ministers’ Council on Water and the African Water Association to develop regional guidelines and policies that prioritize sanitation.

We are also working to gather enough credible advocacy partners to push the envelope — to bring discussions of inclusive sanitation into the public discourse. This ties closely with our work on gender equality, including efforts to improve access to menstrual hygiene products and to ensure women and girls have a voice in health decision-making. We have worked with governments to reduce the cost of treating human waste; led campaigns to increase awareness of the importance of equitable sanitation in West Africa; and run a continent-wide media fellowship to increase in-depth, quality coverage of sanitation.

Our work on malaria is grounded in national malaria control strategies. They are the starting point to everything we do. From there, we help governments and their partners refine strategies to reduce the burden of malaria in their country and allocate the money needed to turn these strategies into action. We help ensure that leaders remain accountable, step up their commitments and work to close the US$3.8 billion global malaria funding gap. We also design and lead advocacy movements to engage communities and the media to participate in malaria control and elimination. We aim to build sustained leadership and domestic financing to galvanize action across African society to prevent, control and ultimately eliminate malaria. 

Over the years, our work has included working with governments to increase domestic financing for malaria; engaging with the private sector so they contribute to the fight against malaria; launching a citizen movement that encourages every sector of society to take an active role in the fight against malaria, and more. 

We are advising government leaders on policies that will support research to solve current and future health threats. We are also working to elevate the importance of global health research and development on political agendas, with an eye on securing sustainable, long-term financing for these efforts. To do this, we are enlisting civil society organizations to join us in advocating for more funding and research in the region. At the same time, we are working with trusted African scientists to enhance their advocacy and communication capacities so they can better share reliable information with African populations. 

We are committed to ensuring that the region’s research agenda is driven by local priorities. Over the years, we have provided a platform for trusted African science leaders and health experts to share reliable information about COVID-19 with African populations. We have provided awards to young African entrepreneurs with innovative projects in the health sector, driven the regional harmonization of the pharmaceutical sector in the region, and more. 

Fore Word

Africa produces about 2% of the world research output, yet the region accounts for 15% of the global population and 25% of the global disease burden. The African region only accounts for 1.1% of global investments in R&D in 2016 and countries’ commitment to allocate 1% of their GDP to R&D remains unmet. R&D in Africa is mainly funded by the public sector, with significant proportions of financing in many countries coming from international funding.

Speak Up Africa’s main objective is to spark collaboration around the need for advocacy for increased investment and advancing policies to accelerate the R&D of new health technologies that address critical health challenges, such as HIV/AIDs, malaria, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, and other neglected diseases.Working with our partners, we advocate for commitments on innovation, GH R&D funding and regulatory harmonization of the health research and development agenda in Francophone Africa by:

Francophone West Africa Digital Health Network

Mr Jean Philbert Nsengimana

« The time for Digital Health has arrived. We are called to use technology. A lot more. With digitalized health systems we can save time and speed up research as exemplified by the worldwide record breaking creation and procurement of COVID 19 vaccines. There are highly sophisticated digital systems that could contribute to the fight against malaria. As such, the creation of a formal and structured multisectoral regional network [ReSAF] whisking together the threads of a community of practitioners and experts building and learning from common experiences challenges and resources would definitely contribute a holistic coordinated effort across health sector for disease control and prevention. »

Mr Jean Philbert Nsengimana, Chief Digital Advisor,
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)

ReSAF Coordination Unit

ReSAF Strategic Documents

Situational Analysis
Gap ID & Network Strategy
Network Launch
ReSAF Membership Registration
Network Charter
Network engagement Strategy
Case Study : Senegal path towards Universal Health Coverage to digital systems
Donors and Development Partners Policy Brief Digital
National Government Policy Brief-Digital
Health Data Governance Principles

Medias and Press

Network Launch Link
Network engagement Strategy Link
Digital Health in Africa


Revolutionizing Sub-Saharan Africa data collection
Collection systems, archiving and statistics in Africa
implementation Framework of the Global Digital Health Strategy in the WHO African Region
Le Tech Observateur website
Kangame consulting website
Digital Health Policy Note
Digital Health Blue Note

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The Women Innovators Incubator is an initiative led by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and Speak Up Africa to bridge the gap in women-led innovation in Africa and address the additional barriers they face in taking their business ideas from concept to implementation. Specifically, the programme aims to develop the scientific innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities of the beneficiaries so that they can take their innovations to the next level. The women who participate in the initiative are one step closer to creating a scalable and sustainable business to address some of the most pressing healthcare challenges in Africa.

The Africa Young Innovators for Health Award, launched in December 2020, received over 300 applications, however, only 21% of the applications were from women. The Women Innovators Incubator was therefore created to address the significant gender imbalances in access to finance, training and skills development, professional networks and overall participation in competitive environments.

Three winners have been selected to receive:
The winners of the first edition of the Women Innovators Incubator are:
Angella Kyomugisha

Co-CEO, Kaaro Health, Uganda

Angella Kyomugisha is a 29-year-old Ugandan, Co-CEO & Chief Financial Officer of Kaaro Health Uganda Limited.

She is a formal Medical Doctor. Kaaro Health uses simple mobile technologies to bring affordable, high-quality healthcare to every village in Africa. They deploy telehealth-enabled container clinics in villages that otherwise have no clinic within a 25-kilometer radius. Their work ensures that people have access to qualified healthcare professionals as well as critical equipment.

Nuriat Nambogo

Team Lead, MobiCare, Uganda

Nuriat Nambogo is a 35-year-old Ugandan and the Team leader for MobiCare.

Nuriat oversees the entire development and implementation of the project. MobiCare is a smartphone mobile based application that helps to link patients to health workers and enables convenient appointment scheduling. Health workers licensed to practice and attached to private health facilities are voluntarily requested to register with MobiCare.

Marie Chantal Umunyana

Founder and Managing Director, Umubyeyi, Rwanda

Marie Chantal Umunyana, is a 26-year-old medical student, Founder and Managing Director at Umubyeyi.

Umubyeyi intends to provide evidence-based information on maternal & child wellbeing and parenting. It is a digital health initiative for youth, young couples, pregnant women, and young mothers. It aims to make health information accessible by applying a comprehensive approach in improving maternal and child wellbeing using technology tools.

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