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About Zero Malaria Starts with Me

A social movement for malaria elimination in Africa


The African Union Commission and the RBM Partnership to End Malaria launched the “Zero Malaria Starts with Me” movement across the African continent during the 31st African Union Summit in July 2018.


Zero Malaria Starts with Me is a pan-African campaign that mobilizes and empowers communities to take ownership over the fight to end malaria. The campaign drives action from political, private sector and community leaders to accelerate malaria prevention and treatment and save lives.  This movement was based on a campaign originally launched by the Ministry of Health and Social Action of Senegal in 2014 in partnership with Speak Up Africa and PATH. This campaign is based on three pillars: generating political commitment, mobilizing private sector engagement and financing and crucially, increasing community engagement and ownership.


This movement has been expanded to End Malaria to over 20 countries.


The « Zero Malaria Starts with Me » campaign aims to:

  • Strengthen national political will for the malaria elimination agenda, including improved resourcing of malaria interventions,
  • Build partnerships and mobilize resources from the private sector to support national programs to implement malaria interventions,
  • Strengthen awareness and ownership of malaria elimination within civil society, the media, and communities.


Zero Malaria Starts with Francophone Mayors

Zero Malaria Starts with Francophone Mayors

Zero Malaria Starts with Me

Zero Malaria Starts with Me

Zero Malaria Starts with Me: Taking Responsibility to End Malaria

Zero Malaria Starts with Me: Taking Responsibility to End Malaria



James Wallen

James Wallen

Health Advisor
