African LeadHERs Meet BAL4HeR | Teaming Up

Sport promotes equality since the same rules apply to everyone.  Amidst issues of gender imbalance in society, Sport is a prime lever to accelerate gender equality as it confronts gender norms both on and off the field. Female participation in sports challenges common stereotypes and social roles associated with women.  Gender imbalances in the sports industry remain considerable. On top of their low representation in sports, very few women are in decision-making positions such as head coach, club manager or referee. They are less represented in management, marketing, management, or other disciplines in the sports industry.

« Teaming Up: African LeadHERs meet BAL4HER » launched by Speak Up Africa and the Basketball African League (BAL) focuses on leveraging sport as a key driver of gender equality and social and economic transformation in Africa.  Through this mentorship program, 6 young African female athletes from Senegal, Egypt and Rwanda will benefit from the leadership and networking experience of six female leaders in the sports industry. Over a period of six months, the mentees will be coached by mentors to strengthen their skills and knowledge on issues such as gender inequality in sport, mental health, public speaking, and storytelling.

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