African voices of sciences

About African Voices of Science

As part of the COVID-19 response, it was crucial to tackle the spread of misinformation across Africa through accurate and factual reporting. The initiative, ‘African Voices of Science’, AVOS, launched in 2021, works with leading scientists to champion research and development in Africa to generate an open public discourse on key health challenges and solutions. Influential scientists such as Professors Awa Marie Coll-Seck and Samba Sow have lent their voices to the initiative, ensuring that African communities have credible experts they can rely on and can access factual health information.

In a context marked by health, economic and climatic crises, it is vital for local experts to be providing sound, factual information to help people interpret data and guidance, understand risks and appropriately respond to their local context. From public health to scientific research to the economy, there is a great deal of misinformation and speculation being spread via traditional and social media.


However, innovations in medical research over recent years have led to incredible achievements for public health in Africa. The African Voices of Science initiative aims to provide a platform for trusted African science leaders and health experts to share reliable information with African populations.


Covering topics ranging from COVID-19 vaccine trials, to emerging new research in infectious diseases, we need to hear from credible voices, their perspectives and potential solutions to our health concerns.  Speak Up Africa is committed to promoting research and development (R&D) and encouraging scientific innovations as part of public discourse in Africa.


Through the AVOS campaign, our objectives are to:

  • Create a network of trusted voices to call attention to the importance for more funding on health research and development.
  • Develop a compelling narrative around the need to invest in R&D, continental health research strategies and national research development plans.
  • Highlight successes and impact of GH R&D in mainstream media.


Yaye Sophiétou Diop

Yaye Sophiétou Diop

Partnership and Development Director
